Ryan Hefner

All Play

w/Open-Source Software

In an attempt for transparency, and paying respect for the hard work of the open-source community, here is a list of the open-source software I use to build this site.

Open-source Software


Extensible Dev Tools for Monorepos


The React Framework for Production

Chakra UI

Simple, Modular & Accessible UI Components for your React Applications


Content made easy for developers


The Next Generation of CSS-in-JS

Framer Motion

A production-ready, open source motion library for React

Fathom Client

A lightweight, privacy-focused analytics tool

github.com/derrickreimer/fathom-client / usefathom.com


A React component for creating a marquee effect


Easily compose and manage meta and open graph tags in your Next.js app/site.

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With OSS

©2004—2025 — Ryan Hefner.
May all your days be rad 🤙.